Episode 19: I Am Still Me

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There is no straightforward book/guide telling us what to expect from life-changing events like the diagnosis of a chronic illness. Whether as the one being diagnosed or being the care partner of the diagnosed. The challenges of living with a condition, like fibromyalgia which means constant pain 24/7, are hard in itself, let alone navigating through the challenges of everyday growth which is life.

Meet Arushi (@arushilohiya) - a truly inspiring, wondrous spirit who shares her journey of being brave through the pain and working hard every day, using her energy towards making what others might have (mistakenly) seen as her weakness into fuel for positivity and spreading awareness about what it means to truly fight a chronic illness. She is the definition of not worrying about ‘log kya kahenge’. ❤️

We spent an hour talking and became her inspired, proud friends - join us in listening to her story this week and we can bet you will leave inspired and motivated to live every moment of your life to its fullest. ❤️


Episode 20: Starting 2021 off with Pree!


Episode 18: I Choose Me